Best Internal Medicine Doctor in Zirakpur, Chandigarh

Internal Medicine, also known as general internal medicine, is one of the most common divisions of healthcare specialists that encompasses the widest range of medical problems. The specialists in internal medicine are experienced in helping people to assist them with the diagnosis and treatment of specific and multi-system medical conditions. At Dr Chawla’s, skin & medicine clinic, we are a team of board-certified Internal Medicine Specialists in Zirakpur, dedicated to providing the best healthcare consultation and assessment services with timely follow-up services for ongoing care of your medical issues.

Backed by the unmatched experience and advanced technology for the diagnosis of healthcare issues, our internal medicine doctor near me can also help perform pre-operative medical assessments and detailed diagnoses. Our internists, also called internal medicine specialists are specialists in providing adult healthcare solutions for a range of health issues like diabetes, hypertension, infections, asthma, blood disorders, infectious diseases,  diseases of the gut, kidney diseases lung disorders, etc. For years, Dr Prabhleen Kaur Chawla has been known as the the best lady doctor in Zirakpur and top choice for patients looking for the best internal medicine specialists in Zirakpur.

Area of Expertise

At Dr Chawla’s skin & medicine clinic, you can see the best lady doctor in Zirakpur named Dr. Prabhleen Kaur Chawla, who is a well-trained and reputed Internal Medicine Doctor. She has trained and practiced in internal medicine from Amrita Institute of Medical sciences, she started practicing and then decided to open a multi-specialty hospital for better healthcare services. Keeping in mind the growing needs of people looking for internal medicine services, Dr. Chawla decided to hire the the best internal medicines in Zirakpur who are available at the hospital to serve you with the best healthcare solutions.

Some of the services provided by our internal medicines doctors include:

  • Infectious Disease
  • Diabetes Management
  • Hypertension (BP) Treatment
  • Cardiology
  • Gastro
  • Hematology
  • Rheumatological (Joint) disorders
  • ECHO Cardiography

Complete Healthcare Solution Under One Roof

At Dr Chawla’s, skin & medicine clinic, we strongly believe in providing complete healthcare solutions under one roof, which include diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies such as:

Comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care

We have a staff of highly trained doctors and nurses, dedicated to providing patients with the best inpatient and outpatient care, based on their specific healthcare needs.

State-of-the-art Medical Intensive Care Unit

When it comes to extensive care, our Medical Intensive care unit is here to help. Advanced technology has been added to our unit to ensure you get the best medical care, whenever required.

Day care unit for short stays

When the patient needs to stay in the hospital for a short duration, we have set up dedicated day care units to ensure you get proper medical attention under the guidance of the best internal medicine specialists in Zirakpur.

Advanced laboratories

Not every health issue can be understood with an initial check-up, which is why our internal medicine doctor near me has also got advanced laboratories set up to ensure you don’t have to wait for the medical reports.

Advanced radiology and imaging services

Get the most accurate and detailed radiology imaging services with our experts available at Dr Chawla’s, skin & medicine clinic.

Why choose us?

There’s not only a single reason why Dr Chawla’s, skin & medicine clinic has been known as one of the top choices of patients when it comes to consulting internal medicine doctor near me. Some of them include:

  • Expertise and Experience – We have a team of board-certified internal medicines specialists, backed with years of experience in the field of healthcare and a dedication to serving patients with the best using the most advanced medical solutions.
  • Comprehensive Care – At Dr Chawla’s, skin & medicine clinic, we don’t just provide patients with the medicines according to the initial check-up, but we have an advanced laboratory set-up to ensure detailed health analysis. We also provide proper healthcare services for chronic illnesses through assessments and personalized treatment plans.
  • Patient-Centered Approach – Unlike the other facilities, our goal is not to earn money but to ensure the health and well-being of our patients, which is above all else. This is why our doctors will take the time to listen to your concerns carefully and then provide the best solutions accordingly.
  • Collaborative Care – As your personal internal medicines specialists, we work in close relationships with you as well as other doctors to ensure you don’t have to wait to get the best medical advice.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology – From our laboratories to follow-up units, we have ensured advanced technology in each part of the hospital. From advanced medical imaging solutions to laboratories, we leverage cutting-edge technology in every part to ensure delivering the best healthcare services.


It is a fact that the best internal medicines in Zirakpur and family doctors are quite similar as they are both dedicated to being primary care physicians and can help treat and diagnose illnesses. But the difference here is that internal medicine doctors can only treat adults, but your family doctor can also treat patients of all ages and kids.
A professional internal medicine doctor near me can help diagnose and treat a wide range of health conditions including:
  • Allergies
  • Birth control
  • Bleeding and clotting disorders
  • Cardiac (heart) issues
  • Cognitive concerns
  • Dermatologic (skin) issues
  • Ear, nose, and throat problems
  • Endocrine conditions
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Infections, including Lyme disease
  • Kidney conditions
  • Liver disease
  • Men’s health issues
  • Metabolic health conditions
  • Neurologic conditions
  • Non-surgical orthopedic issues
  • Pulmonary (lung and respiratory) issues
At Dr Chawla’s, skin & medicine clinic, we believe in providing the best healthcare services to our patients, which is why we provide the option to schedule appointments through phone calls. In case not possible, one can also walk into the hospital and see the doctor.
Yes, in case the condition of the patient is not stable and needs 24/7 medical attention, we can also provide a day-care facility where our specialist doctors will take care of every need of the patient.
You can visit Dr. Chawla Skin and Medicine to see Dr. Prabhleen Kaur Chawla to get the best prescription and treatment on your health diagnosis. Moreover she also make you informed

If You Have Any Medical Problems, You Can Easily Book An Appointment By Contacting Us.